The peaceful town of Port Royal, South Carolina, is bidding farewell to their beloved Police Chief Alan Beach and starting their hunt to find a fitting successor. Having served our town and its citizens for a spectacular four decades, Police Chief Alan Beach has played a vital role in our community. The hard task of filling his shoes now lies ahead.
In his tenure of over 40 years, Beach was chief for more than a decade. His committed service has left a profound impact on the people of Port Royal. Our town’s Mayor, Kevin Phillips, said, “As long as I’ve been in the town of Port Royal, I do not know Port Royal without Chief Beach at the head of the Police Department.”
Delivering high praise, Van Willis, the Town Manager of Port Royal, mirrored the Mayor’s sentiments. Willis will be the one responsible for picking a suitable candidate to become the next police chief.
“Whoever we hire will be an appropriate candidate for the town of port royal,” Willis promised. However, selecting the right replacement for Chief Beach is not going to be an easy task. To find the best possible candidate, a nationwide search was launched that attracted about 40 applications from all around the country.
The number of applicants has been whittled down to a chosen few. Three finalists, who caught the eye of the selection committee, will attend a public council meeting next month. They will get the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the area and engage with the community members.
According to Mayor Phillips, community engagement is a crucial factor in this decision-making process. He emphasized, “We want the public to know and feel comfortable with their law enforcement, interact and engage with them, and maintain that crucial community connection.”
The public council meeting will take place on September 11th. A few days earlier, on September 6th, Chief Allen Beach will officially retire. Despite his departure, Beach’s formidable presence will be greatly missed in the city. Town Manager, Willis, had a heartfelt message for Beach, “I wish him very well. In whatever future endeavor he undertakes, we’ll probably call on him from time to time to help us out when we need it.”
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