In the charming town of Port Royal, an anticipated celebration took a quirky turn on July 4, 2021. The annually anticipated July 4 fireworks unraveled with some significant glitches. Technical difficulties put the grand display behind schedule by almost two hours. The spectators, who were hoping for a splendid display of dynamism and color, found the pomp cut short, lasting only a few minutes.
Nonetheless, the resilient town managed to bounce back from what seemed like a public disappointment, hosting a “do-over” on September 3. This renewed performance served the townsfolk a much-needed second shot at the grand spectacle they had dearly missed on the July 4 celebration.
Just a year before the annual fireworks disappointment, the residents of Beaufort experienced an illustrious demonstration of Mother Nature’s prowess. On July 7, 2020, Hunting Island State Park was forced to close after receiving a staggering 8 inches of rain in a single day. This outpouring was merely the beginning of a wet saga that saw the park receive a cumulative 12.75 inches spanning over two consecutive days.
The intense deluge took a significant toll on the well-loved park, keeping its gates closed for more than two weeks. The record rainfall represented an exceptional weather event that had long-lasting impacts on the state park’s operation and regional tourism.
The year 2020 indeed served Beaufort some memorable instances, including days of passion and protest. June 21, 2020, was distinctively marked by a significant gathering for a silent March For Justice. Approximately 400 individuals turned out to make their voices (or rather, their silence) heard, starting from and commemorating Juneteenth at Penn Center.
Turning the pages of history a couple decades back, Beaufort was blessed with a future local icon. Clarence “C.J.” Cummings, Jr., born to Clarence Cummings, Sr., and Savasha Jenkins, would grow up to make his hometown proud.
Years down the line, Beaufort would celebrate the achievements of this exceptional individual who placed the town on the map in a significant way. Although history, by definition, deals with past events, it is essential to remember that everyday history is being written. All of us have a part to play, all of us contribute in one way or another to the grand chronicle we call HISTORY.
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