In a rather bizarre turn of events on beautiful Hilton Head Island, a woman finds herself facing serious legal issues after allegedly breaking into her ex-boyfriend’s home with a rather *unusual* intention. Krystal Ciera Heyward, a 29-year-old local resident, was charged with both first-degree burglary and possession of an explosive device early Saturday morning, following an incident that left many scratching their heads.
It all began just after midnight on September 21, when deputies from the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call about a break-in at a residence on Bryant Lane, nestled in the charming Spanish Wells community of central Hilton Head. Upon arrival, the homeowner informed them that her son’s ex-girlfriend had made her way into the house through a window after removing an air conditioning unit.
The son spotted his ex-partner in the act and quickly alerted his mother, leading to the intervention by authorities. When questioned by police, Heyward reportedly *didn’t shy away* from admitting her actions. In a surprising twist, she even removed two containers from her backpack, telling officers they were devices intended to “blow up the house.”
This is where things get even more interesting. According to the police report, Heyward was carrying a bleach bottle that appeared to be “highly pressurized,” a “sauce jar” that had an attached canister wrapped in a wet cloth, which gave off a strong odor of accelerants and other chemicals. On top of that, she was carrying several lighters and a knife. It was clear to the deputies that Heyward had some *serious* intentions.
The homeowner, who had no idea why her son’s ex-girlfriend would resort to this kind of action, noted that the pair had broken up just a few weeks prior. To make matters even more curious, *Heyward had never lived in the house* where the incident occurred.
In light of the potentially dangerous situation, police promptly called in the Hilton Head Island Fire Rescue team. They utilized a Blackline G7 gas detector to analyze the contents of the homemade containers. Fortunately, the findings indicated that there was nothing in the canisters that would cause an explosion, with the contents deemed no more hazardous than plain old bleach.
Nonetheless, Heyward was still charged with possession of a destructive device due to her admission of intent to use the materials as explosives. According to Sgt. Danny Allen from the sheriff’s office, this felony carries a weighty punishment, ranging from two to 15 years in prison.
Meanwhile, Heyward is also facing first-degree burglary charges, categorized under South Carolina law as breaking into a residence with the intent to commit a crime. This particular charge could lead to a life sentence, or at least a minimum of 15 years, if she’s convicted—a serious matter indeed.
As of Monday afternoon, Heyward remained in custody at the Beaufort County jail. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been any indication of a potential bond hearing or a public defender being assigned to her case. This unsettling turn of events has everyone in the community talking, with many curious about what led to such drastic and *uncharacteristic* behavior.
As we collectively process this dramatic unfolding, the residents of Hilton Head Island are left with a story that has certainly raised eyebrows and sparked conversations. It’s a reminder that sometimes, relationships can take unexpected, and even dangerous, turns.
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