In Bluffton, South Carolina, the heart-wrenching tale of a 4-month-old baby girl named Starling Guzman has taken a tragic turn. Following a night of party festivities that ended in sorrow, her mother, Alejandra Guzman, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the driver responsible for the crash and the caregiver who failed to properly ensure the infant’s safety.
On the evening of May 12, 2024, a catastrophic accident unfolded on Bluffton Parkway near Buck Island Road. According to the South Carolina Highway Patrol, Gregorio Hernandez-Castillo, 31, was driving a 2011 Toyota RAV4 with Starling and a second passenger onboard as they headed home from a party. Sadly, the vehicle veered off the road and collided with a tree in the median.
Starling, just four months old, was pronounced dead at the scene due to the impact of the crash. While the driver emerged unhurt from this terrible event, another passenger was hospitalized in Savannah with serious injuries. The police quickly arrested Hernandez-Castillo, charging him with a felony count of driving under the influence, an open container violation, and other serious violations, including child endangerment.
Following such an unimaginable loss, Alejandra Guzman made the tough decision to pursue legal action. Filed on Tuesday, the lawsuit pinpoints not just the driver, but also the caregiver, Maria Romero, who was responsible for looking after Starling that night. The court papers allege that Romero made poor choices, including allowing an impaired Hernandez-Castillo to take the wheel while the infant was not properly restrained in her car seat.
The devastating claim points out that Romero had taken Starling along to a party on that fateful night and even stopped to buy more alcohol on the way home. In the documents filed, it is asserted that because of these reckless decisions, the precious child’s life was cut short tragically.
Bluffton Parkway has often been flagged as a collision hotspot, especially at its intersection with Bluffton Road. Local authorities have noted persistent traffic issues in the area, yet the town’s police force lacks a dedicated traffic enforcement team. They strive to manage the increasing number of fatal accidents by focusing patrols on the busy roadways.
The wrongful death lawsuit aims to seek damages for Starling’s untimely demise, a distinct matter separate from the various criminal charges looming over Hernandez-Castillo. His case is now making its way through the Beaufort County court, with an initial court date for his open container violation set for early October. Previous court records reveal that Hernandez-Castillo’s driver’s license was already suspended after he pleaded guilty to DUI in July 2023, further complicating his situation.
For Guzman, seeking justice for her daughter’s death is undoubtedly a monumental emotional burden. The grieving mother strives to navigate the complexities of legal proceedings while coping with an unimaginable loss. As the public continues to follow the story, it opens a vital conversation about the importance of child safety in vehicles and the dangers of impaired driving.
The legal teams representing both sides are preparing for what is sure to be an intense courtroom battle, as they navigate through the intricate details of this heartbreaking case. The community of Bluffton stands in solidarity with Guzman, hoping for accountability and justice as they collectively mourn the stunning loss of a young life.
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