Welcome to Beaufort – A True Military Town
Beaufort, a city in South Carolina, has a reputation for being a military town. Our city is brimming with men and women stationed here, training to serve and protect us. They’re preparing to face anything that comes our way, no matter what. To show our gratitude, many of our local businesses offer special discounts. Sure, these gestures might not seem like much, but they carry a lot of love and respect. We’re a military town through and through.
Raising Questions About the Presidential Candidate
But here’s something that’s been bugging me for a while. Why in the world would someone with any connection to the military—even a hint of a connection—support a presidential candidate who dodged the draft and openly disrespects those who serve? This is more than just confusing; it’s downright disturbing, and it gets me riled up – and you should be, too.
Looking Back at Some Controversial Remarks
Remember that guy Donald Trump? You know, the ultra-rich fella who dodged the draft claiming some “bone spur” issue? Social media sure had a field day with that one. We still don’t know whether that was actually legit. But here’s the catch: he’s been unkind, to say the least, to those who did serve. Think back to that day in 2015 when he said about John McCain, “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” And then he had the nerve to say, nearly a year after McCain’s passing, “I was never a fan of John McCain and I never will be.”
Continuing the ‘Suckers and Losers’ Saga
There are plenty of other instances of Trump dissing our troops. John Kelly, the retired Marine Corps General and Trump’s ex-chief of staff, spilled the beans on some other controversial remarks Trump made about our military. I won’t go into the gorey details, but trust me, it’s a whole lot of disrespect.
The latest “stunt” in Politicizing Military
Next up, we have the latest “stunt” to talk about, one that involves Mr. “temporary and minor bone spurs” himself. Trump released a TikTok video of his controversial visit to Arlington National Cemetery. Cemetery officials weren’t too happy about some photography-related “incident” and had to file a report. The gist of it? Two Trump officials were told NOT to take photos…but they went ahead and did it anyway, if you can believe that, leading to an altercation with the staff.
The Bigger Picture
So, why on earth would a guy who’s showed nothing but contempt for the military use a military setting to score political points? Simple – because he just doesn’t care. And if you’re wondering why he’s suddenly showing troves of ‘support’, that’s an easy one too. Trump is trying to highlight the troops who fell in Afghanistan, twisting it to make a point for his campaign. He’s putting the blame for the messy withdrawal entirely on Biden and VP Kamala Harris, conveniently forgetting his own role in the whole debacle.
Accountability Overlooked
While we’re on the topic of Afghanistan, let’s not forget about Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster. He served as Trump’s national security adviser and has claimed Trump holds some responsibility for the how the Afghanistan withdrawal went down, due to his earlier negotiations with the Taliban. Seems like a pretty big detail to overlook, right?
In the end, I want to make it clear, I back our military fully and completely. I’ve been to the wall in DC and shed tears for those we’ve lost. I’ve never been shy about expressing my disgust at the ill treatment of our military – then or now. And I definitely don’t hold back when it comes to someone who trash-talks the military while trying to be its Commander-in-Chief.